best day

An unexpectedly perfect afternoon.  So perfect that I named all of these images some variant of "best_day_ever" when I exported them from Lightroom after editing.  Just the two of us, sitting/laying/dancing in her room as the sun set and made stripey shadows on her walls.  She asked me questions about my favorite things to play with when I was in preschool.  I asked her what she was most excited about when her baby sister arrives (Changing diapers was her answer.  We'll see if that excitement holds after the first few days).  She jumped on the bed, giggled, changed her outfit several times, and showed me how she likes to make her bed.  

I know all parents feel this way so it's not a unique feeling--but sometimes I just cannot get over this funny, interesting, cute little creature who lives in my house and I can't believe she's mine.  As we get closer to my due date and I sense that the dynamics of our family are shifting I am so grateful for the gift of this afternoon and these images of her just exactly as she is right now.  

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