
If I had shot this session on my DSLR I would have easily shot 250 frames and then spent lots of time agonizing over the nuances of nearly identical images, not to mention the time I would have spent editing them.  Something I've learned from film is when to say to myself "I got it.  Let's move on."  Knowing that I only have 36 frames to capture what I see helps me stay present and I also find that I have more time to just enjoy her because once the roll is finished, it's finished.

These were taken the evening after her third birthday.  I was so nervous to shoot film for these and I thought seriously about shooting digital as well just to make sure that I got something in case I really messed up.  In the end I decided to trust myself and what I've learned about film so far and just go for it.  My heart swells when I look at these and see my little three year old exactly as I see her--free as a bird and with such an interesting blend of joy and contemplation.  I love her and I love these images.  

Film:  Portra 160.  

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  1. such beautiful pictures!

  2. These are BEAUTIFUL! I love film, I would shoot in film all the time if I could afford it. I'm also a bit nervous when it come to shooting film too, I feel like digital is 'safer' but when I do use film I never regret it.
