giving thanks, part 2

My grandparents have taught me so much of what I know about love.  They were the type of couple that would be slow-dancing in the kitchen while we were all busy getting Thanksgiving dinner on the table.  Always holding hands, always calling each other "honey."  My grandfather has been battling Alzheimer's for a long while now and in the past couple of years he has had some other health setbacks as well, including a broken hip last summer.  He is now in a nursing home and I have been wanting to take some pictures of my grandparents during one of our vistis and this week we finally got our opportunity.  

It was a beautiful afternoon and he loved getting some fresh air.  I am overjoyed that I was able to get these shots and I am so thankful that he was in such a happy mood that day.  Even though he doesn't know who anyone other than my grandmother is he knows that we're special to him and his face still lights up when we visit with him--especially his little great-granddaughter.  To me, this is what photography is really about.  

I included the last picture so you can see what kind of 'location' we were working with.  It had to be wheelchair accessible and since it was high noon I had to find some way to filter the harsh sun.  When you really need to get an important picture you can do it no matter what circumstances you're in!  Just be patient and keep searching for a spot until you find something that works.  It's worth the effort, especially when you're not sure if you'll get another opportunity.  

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  1. Oh, Corrie, these are just so special...I am so happy you did this!! Thank you!!

  2. Just lovely Corrie and a special testament of your love for your Grandparents. Pictures are enduring. :)

