January Project 2014

This was my second year doing a one-a-day project in the month of January and I wanted to share some of my favorites with you.  This year was really fun because we traveled a couple of times so it was neat to document each day in a few different places.  I decided to shoot both landscape and portrait orientation but I did keep all of the images in black and white.  Knowing I was going to convert to black and white made me look at my light and composition differently and I found myself loving my digital shots again more than I have at any point since becoming obsessed with film photography over the summer.  

I really tried to pick up my camera any time I felt like a moment was happening that I might want to remember or anytime there was beautiful light.  I thought I might be stressed by the demands of shooting multiple times a day every day but I found it really energizing.  I was also worried I might not shoot as much film as I'd like but I actually shot more than usual (10 rolls in January!!!) because often I would bring both cameras with me and grab some frames with each.  I'll have a blog post soon of my favorite film images from the month as well.

Some of these are black and white conversions of images I've already shared on facebook but most of these are favorites that I haven't shared anywhere yet.  I've tentatively decided to turn this into a b&w 365 project (yay! also, eek!) but it's only February 2nd so don't hold me to it yet.  :)  Thanks for looking!

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