
This shower is absolutely one of my favorite occasions I've ever photographed.  The love and excitement in the room was so beautiful.  Everyone gathered to celebrate a special family and the little girl they are eagerly waiting to add to their home.  This little girl is already loved by so many.  I could say so much more but I'll let the pictures tell the story.  I also shot some film at the shower that I'll be sharing when I get my scans back.  Enjoy.

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film mama: month 3

When I received these scans I was breathless as I clicked through to see each image.  The colors!  The tones!  As a film lover those things tend to jump out at me first.  But then as I looked at them with my mama eyes I fell in love with them even more.  

This roll was shot at my inlaws' home.  Their backyard is one of her very favorite places in the world.  On this day her Grammie had found a little set of containers with magnifying glass tops for her and she immediately wanted to go outside and see what she could find.  

I only brought my F100 out with us and loaded it with film, hoping for some nice colors on an overcast day.  I kept my distance as she collected her "discoveries" as she called them.  Occasionally she would proudly come over to me to show me something she had found.  It was really a perfect childhood afternoon.  I love when I'm able to use a whole roll of film to tell a story from beginning to end, each frame freezing a little moment of a larger experience. 

Please continue around the circle to see the other beautiful film mama work this month.  Start by visiting the super talented Jayme Ford of {the} Paper Deer Photography.

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